Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Favorites: Snack Bars

Happy Friday! My favorite snack is fruit - berries, bananas, and apples are are delicious. Sometimes though it's just more convenient to have some bars around my house or work that I don't have to worry about going bad and can just grab whenever hunger hits. My favorite snack bars are:

Cliff Mojo Bars

Sweet and salty is the perfect combination! These make me feel like I'm having a sweet treat, but they're pretty filling, so they keep me going longer than a less-healthy option would.

Dipped Cliff Mojo Bars

An even more decadent version of the Mojo Bars above!

Luna Bars

These taste pretty good, but they're not going to fool your taste buds into thinking that you're having a treat. They have a slight vitamin-y after taste. I eat these when I'm really hungry because I usually take longer to eat these than the other bars.

Luna Fiber Bars

I love these! They're like healthier versions of the NutriGrain bars I used to eat as a kid. They're the lowest in calories out of these bars, but they still tide me over until my next meal, probably because fiber is very filling.

These are my favorite snack bars at the moment. I also really love Larabars, but I haven't been eating them recently because I haven't been able to find them on sale anywhere. Buying bars that cost more than a dollar each is against all that I stand for! Seriously, why are Larabars so expensive??

These are my favorite snack bars, what are yours?

~ Susan

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